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05/08/2022 - Hospital das Clínicas de SP testa tecnologia 5G para exames e cirurgia robótica
Por Amanda Garcia | CNN Brasil | 05/08/2022
À CNN Rádio, o diretor executivo do InovaHC explicou que a rede 5G oferece características importantes para a saúde.


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03/08/2022 - The Top 100 Healthcare Technology Companies of 2022
By The Healthcare Technology Report | August 3, 2022
A recently published Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA) study offers a bird’s eye perspective of the key societal and ethical challenges that can be expect as a result of the convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and communication technologies, and proposes some policy options that can be considered to address them.

02/08/2022 - STOA study on the ethical and societal challenges of the approaching technological storm
By Scientific Foresight (STOA) | August 2, 2022
A recently published Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA) study offers a bird’s eye perspective of the key societal and ethical challenges that can be expect as a result of the convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and communication technologies, and proposes some policy options that can be considered to address them.

>>> Study <<<
21/07/2022 - Collaboration between NTNU, Telenor and Rikshospitalet on new pill camera to detect bowel cancer – NRK Trøndelag
By Staff | newsfounded.com | July 21, 2022
This is not the first pill camera. But this is the first model that does not use a battery for data transfer. The goal is to detect and prevent bowel cancer more quickly. The researchers believe that the new pill camera could be used in the new screening program that everyone over 55 will be offered..

20/07/2022 - How Apple is empowering people with their health information
By Newsroom | Apple | July 20, 2022
Apple shared a new report that offers a snapshot of the ways Apple products are empowering people to be at the center of their health, and acting as an intelligent guardian for their health and safety. Users, developers, medical institutions, and health organizations around the world are using Apple devices, features, and APIs to break down barriers between people and their health information, all while keeping privacy in mind.

15/07/2022 - Finep - Chamada Pública: Desenvolvimento de Aplicações em Redes 5G Privadas
Por Finep | Chamada Pública | 15/07/2022
O Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovações (MCTI) e a Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos - FINEP tornam pública a presente Seleção Pública, cujo objetivo é conceder recursos financeiros não reembolsáveis para ICTs credenciadas junto ao Comitê da Área de Tecnologia da Informação (CATI) para o desenvolvimento de projetos de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação relativos ao desenvolvimento de aplicações (plataformas e/ou softwares ou sistemas computacionais) que apoiem a implementação de novos serviços potencializados pelas características das redes 5G privadas.

Dentre as linhas temáticas relacionadas às tecnologias 5G, a alínea "d" do item 2 do edital contempla a "LINHA TEMÁTICA 4 – Saúde 4.0", que se desdobra nos seguintes subtemas:

      (1) Monitoramento remoto de sinais vitais: neste subtema poderão ser apoiados projetos que auxiliem o monitoramento à distância de parâmetros de saúde de pacientes;
      (2) Monitoramento de áreas hospitalares: neste subtema poderão ser apoiados projetos que facilitem o monitoramento de áreas hospitalares, a exemplo do rastreamento do movimento de pacientes; e
      (3) Telemedicina: neste subtema poderão ser apoiados projetos que auxiliem o exercício da medicina à distância, no sentido de que as intervenções, diagnósticos, decisões de tratamentos e recomendações sejam baseados em dados, documentos e outras informações transmitidas por meio de sistemas de telecomunicação.

22/06/2022 - “Robot Base Cutting-Edge Intelligent Hospital” Declaration of Leap
By Staff | SMC News | June 22, 2022
Samsung Medical Center (SMC), taking the opportunity of having been selected as the final condition organization in the “AI-5G based large-scale robot fusion model development support project” organized by the Korea Robot Industry Promotion Agency under the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, launched a company-wide consultative body to implement a “robot-based cutting-edge intelligent hospital.”

25/05/2022 - How 5G and machine learning can build scalable assistive health technologies
By Sumit Soman, Sunil Kumar Vuppala, Pushpendra Sharma | Ericsson | MAY 25, 2022 | 5 min
The evolution of 5G and ongoing research push toward 6G is enabling significant advances in scalable user-centric biosignal monitoring for assistive technology healthcare applications. While network slices cater to high-bandwidth and low latency use-cases, robustness and performance are ensured through scalable machine learning methods. In this post, we discuss the challenges and resolution for a scalable pipeline with communicating sensor devices that has the potential to transform healthcare.

17/05/2022 - Tecnologia 5G: acesso e cuidado com as populações vulneráveis
Por Redação | Notícias ABDI | 17/05/2022
Indígenas e ribeirinhos terão acesso à telemedicina por meio de um sistema inovador, a combinação de uma rede de acesso aberta segundo o conceito do Open RAN e a aplicação da rede 5G. É o que prevê o projeto OpenCare5G.

05/05/2022 - Após amplo debate, CFM regulamenta prática da Telemedicina no Brasil
Por Redação | Notícias CFM | 05/05/2022 - 07:54
O Conselho Federal de Medicina (CFM) divulgou a Resolução nº 2.314/2022, que define e regulamenta a telemedicina no Brasil, como forma de serviços médicos mediados por tecnologias e de comunicação. A norma, fruto de um amplo debate reaberto em 2018 com entidades médicas e especialistas, passa a regular a prática em substituição à Resolução CFM nº 1.643/2002 e entra em vigor a partir da data de sua publicação.

>>>>>> Resolução CFM Nº 2.314 / 2022 <<<<<<

02/05/2022 - Telemedicina e 5G devem se tornar grandes aliados no tratamento de doenças crônicas
Por Redação | Portal Hospitais Brasil | 02/05/2022
Uma pesquisa realizada pelo Departamento de Saúde do Reino Unido mostrou que o telemonitoramento em doenças crônicas, principalmente de idosos, ajuda a reduzir em 20% o número de admissões hospitalares e, caso seja admitido, o tempo de internação diminui em 14% e a taxa de mortalidade, em 40%.

11/02/2022 - Analyst Insights on IoT in the Healthcare Sector
By Robin Duke-Woolley | IoT Now | February 11, 2022
In this article, Robin Duke-Woolley, Analyst and CEO of Beecham Research, shares his latest insights from the Healthcare and Life Sciences sector on the key issues facing the market and how IoT is addressing them.

30/11/2021 - FDA Authorizes PrecisionOS to Market VR Surgical Planning Tool
Press Release | Ortho Feed | November 30, 2021
Software Provides 3D Reconstruction of Patient CT Scans Via Oculus Quest 2.

17/11/2021 - Samsung uses 5G to fuel the future of smart hospitals
By Rhea Patel | Insider Intelligence | Nov 17, 2021
Samsung’s South Korea-based Samsung Medical Center is taking a big step toward becoming a 5G-powered, robotics-enabled hospital by undergoing an infrastructure assessment via the HIMSS Infrastructure Adoption Model (INFRAM).

15/11/2021 - O 5G vem aí – e a saúde tem muito a ganhar com essa tecnologia
Por Claudio Lottenberg | Veja Saúde | Nov 15, 2021
Quinta geração da internet móvel vai tornar possível a realização de cirurgias remotas e exames a distância, por exemplo.

04/11/2021 - HC firma parceria com ecossistema de empresas para testar tecnologia 5G
Por Redação | Notícias ABDI | 04/11/2021
Iniciativa do núcleo de inovação do Hospital das Clínicas está em desenvolvimento no Instituto de Radiologia (InRad).

19/10/2021 - RNP Cisco e Inatel anunciam iniciativa 5G.BR Conecta Brasil
Por Redação | Notícias RNP | 19/10/2021
A Cisco, a Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP) e o Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicações (Inatel) anunciam a parceria e iniciativa conjunta 5G.BR CONECTA BRASIL, que contempla diversas ações e projetos voltados para o desenvolvimento tecnológico e aceleração digital em setores importantes do país, fomentando inovação, conectividade de alta capacidade e a adoção do 5G nos setores da educação e saúde.

17/06/2021 - Hospital da Luz Lisboa é o primeiro com 5G em Portugal
Por Redação de Notícias | Hospital da Luz Lisboa | 17 de junho de 2021
A NOS e a Luz Saúde são parceiros num projeto pioneiro que tira partido das potencialidades da 5.ª geração de comunicações móveis.
Numa fase inicial, o 5G vai sentir-se na formação e treino dos profissionais e alunos do hospital, através da utilização de aplicações de realidade virtual e de realidade aumentada para criar novos cenários e ambientes virtuais para formação, diagnóstico e tratamento. As mesmas tecnologias poderão ser utilizadas nos cuidados paliativos do hospital – proporcionando a ligação dos doentes às suas casas e maior proximidade com as suas famílias –, seja numa lógica de tranquilização ou de estímulo sensorial, como complemento às suas terapias.

02/06/2021 - Paramedics in England to wear body cameras to help reduce attacks on frontline workers
By John Ray | itv News | Wednesday 2 June 2021 at 7:32pm
Paramedics in England are to be fitted with body cameras in order to prevent thousands of attacks on frontline staff each year. More than 3,500 ambulance staff reported being assaulted in the last year, a 32% rise from five years ago.

18/03/2021 - How 5G Will Change Healthcare
By Rayna Hollander | Insider Intelligence | Mar 18, 2021
While 5G networks are still being developed, and the healthcare industry is only beginning to explore the technology’s use cases, 5G is poised to become one of the most promising technologies for facilitating healthcare’s digital transformation. 5G is expected to bring annual global cost savings of $600 million to the healthcare industry in 2021—with annual global cost savings reaching nearly $94 billion by 2030.

15/03/2021 - Ready to swallow a digital camera?
By Roberto Saracco | IEEE Future Directions | Mar 15, 2021
A pill camera is no news (watch the clip, now almost 10 years old) to the point that its use in medical diagnostic has got a name: capsule endoscopy. What is new is that the NHS (medical service in the UK) now has adopted this diagnostic tool for screening people that have symptoms indicating a possible GI cancer.

20/10/2020 - Swiss Post robots taking the lift in the hospital
By Silvana Grellmann | IEEE Future Directions | 22. October 2020 10:00
Turning heads everywhere they go: Swiss Post robots have been reducing the workload on staff in Lugano hospital since September. They’re true all-rounders and can transport practically everything be it medication or other goods – completely independently and around the clock. The goods they carry are protected by a pin code – meaning they arrive safely with the intended recipients. The robots in Lugano can even use the lift independently.

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13/05/2020 - Telehealth to Experience Massive Growth with COVID-19 Pandemic, Says Frost & Sullivan
By Mariana Fernandez - Press Release | Frost & Sullivan | May 13, 2020
Demand for telehealth will soar by 64.3% in the US in 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic disrupts the practice of medicine and the delivery of healthcare.

13/02/2020 - US Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) Set to Launch First 5G Hospital in California
By Samantha McGrail | Hit Infrastructure/ | Feb 13, 2020
The 5G hospital in California will enhance veteran care through innovation, such as providing more clear and precise images for telesurgery services.

24/01/2020 - Samsung Medical Center, KT Partner to Develop 5G Medical Service
By Samantha McGrail | Hit Infrastructure | Jan 24, 2020
The 5G medical service will allow smart hospitals to access digital data for pathology analyses, deliver surgery education outside of the OR, and more, the companies say.

20/01/2020 - KT and Samsung Medical Center to Build 5G Smart Hospital
News Release (Provided by KT Corp) | CISION PR Newswire | Jan 20, 2020
The 5G medical service will allow smart hospitals to access digital data for pathology analyses, deliver surgery education outside of the OR, and more, the companies say.

Medical staff at the Samsung Medical Center wear sync cams to proceed surgery of a patient

20/09/2019 - Marek’s Take: Bringing 5G to the operating table
By Sue Marek | Fierce Wireless | Sep 20, 2019
Demonstrations of 5G remote surgery are already starting to happen. Chetan Sharma demonstrates how a 5G remote surgery might work during his Mobile Future Forward conference. (Chetan Sharma Consulting) (Chetan Sharma/Mobile Future Forward).

08/07/2019 - Huawei Collaborates with Fudan University to Develop China's First Medical AI Course
By Staff | Huawei | Jul 08, 2019
Huawei and the School of Basic Medical Sciences at Fudan University have recently begun to jointly offer a course in "Medical Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning", attracting more than 120 undergraduate and graduate students from Fudan University's medical school and affiliated hospitals. This is China's first systematic course introducing artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine. This course will help students quickly learn about the latest AI innovations and information in the medical industry and academia, and explore the applications of AI in the medical field.

11/06/2019 - http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/69742530.cms
By Staff | The Times of India | June 06, 2019
Doctors in China have successfully directed surgeons 200 km away to perform a gall blader surgery using 5G network in a remote area. The laparoscopic cholecystectomy was conducted last week in north China's Hubei Province which lasted about an hour, China Mobile which is one of the four telecom firms to have received the license to rollout 5G on June 6, said.

31/07/2018 - 5 ways 5G will transform healthcare
Improving patient experience with personalized, preventative care
By Business Editorial Team | ATT | Jul 31, 2018 | 5 min read
Here are five ways 5G can help healthcare organizations meet the growing demands of digital transformation.

By Acumen Staff | Acumen Physical Solutions | Mar 06, 2017
In 2017, many Fresenius team members attended the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Annual Conference in Orlando, and took away 4 key themes: artificial intelligence, precision medicine and patient engagement, interoperability, and cybersecurity and communication.


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O rol de eventos aqui apresentados tem caráter informativo. A oferta e realização são de responsabilidade de seus organizadores e promotores.

24AGO2022 - 12:15 às 13:45 Painel - ARENA do Futuro da Saúde - Robótica e 5G
Congresso Científico HUPE | Doenças Infecciosas e impacto para a Sociedade
Painel ocorrerá no Congresso Científico do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto. Serão discutidos a cirurgia robótica e a inovação com robótica e 5G.

16AGO2022 - Frost & Sullivan Think Tanks - Data Disruption in Health Systems Transforming Healthcare
Presented by Frost & Sullivan; Setiaji Setiaji, CTO, MoH Indonesia; Ashok Verma, CEO, Nventures; Namita Srivastava, MD, Policy Wisdom
Aug 16 2022, 12:00pm
About this talk: Artificial intelligence (AI) applications are moving the needle in healthcare, with AI being applied in clinical, operational, and financial use cases by hospitals, radiologists, pharmaceutical companies, medical device companies, and many start-ups. This Think Tank will combine perspectives from Frost & Sullivan's industry experts, governments, investors, and vendors along with solutions that are the likely near-term and long-term winners in this space. Plus, find out what is needed to drive success in applying AI in the healthcare environment.

Attend this Think Tank to discover: (1) use cases, market potential, and business models of where AI is being applied in healthcare and life sciences organizations; (2) necessary data infrastructure and the role of technology partners in implementing and gaining value from AI in healthcare; and (3) leveraging AI to disrupt the current healthcare system versus applying AI tools within existing workflows and augmenting the roles of various stakeholders.

03AGO2022 - HIMSS 2022 - Future of Healthcare
A live conversation with the research Trust Partners
HIMSS 2022 Future of Healthcare is the cornerstone of a research effort, carried out by HIMSS and our Trust Partnership, which gathered market intelligence on the trends and challenges that have defined the past twelve months and how they will impact the future. The consortium of industry leaders from across the healthcare and technology space will share data-driven market insights from four perspectives: health systems, payers, clinicians, and patients.

03AUG2022 - APAC 5G - Digital Industry Summit Recordings – Mobile 360 Asia Pacific 2022
By GSMA Asia Pacific region | 03 August, 2022 16:00-17:30 GMT+8
Digital Healthcare
The Covid-19 pandemic impacted the existing healthcare system and resources. There are also challenges as rising demand on better healthcare services with increasing middle class and aging population. Technology enabled Digital Transformation, which is anticipated to grow significantly in the coming years. Frost & Sullivan forecasts the growth from $147 billion in 2019 to $235 billion in 2023. Connectivity 5G becomes a key enabler for IoT, edge-cloud computing, AR/VR metaverse, robotics, bigdata, machine learning and AI. New technologies are key accelerators provides a crucial advantage for future of life and national economies.

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21 e 22 SET2022 - HIS - Healthcare Inovation Show
HIS - Healthcare Inovation Show is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

02JUN2022 - APAC 5G - Connected Healthcare in the 5G Era
By GSMA Asia Pacific region | 02 June, 2022 3-5pm GMT+8
Powered by GSMA Asia Pacific (APAC) 5G Industry Community
This virtual event will bring together mobile, healthcare and technologies specialists from mobile network operators, regulators, healthcare enterprises across the APAC 5G Industry ecosystem. Topics include: (1) overview of healthcare in the post-pandemic era; (2) connected healthcare in the 5G era; (3) innovative healthcare examples; and (4) panel: discuss how we can accelerate the digital transformation with policy, technology, ecosystem and partnership.

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17FEB2022 - APAC 5G - How 5G and IoT tech will transform healthcare
By GSMA Asia Pacific region | 17 February, 2022 3-5pm GMT+8
This virtual event will bring together mobile, healthcare and technologies specialists from mobile network operators, regulators, healthcare enterprises across the APAC 5G Industry ecosystem. Topics include: (1) overview of healthcare in the post-pandemic era; (2) how 5G and IoT tech will transform healthcare; (3) innovative healthcare examples; and (4) how we can accelerate the digital transformation with policy, technology, ecosystem and partnership.

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29JUL2021 - SEMINÁRIO 5G e IoT na prática, status internacional
Seminário, promovido pelo CPqD e pelo Fórum Brasileiro de Internet das Coisas, com a participação de especialistas de países que já têm redes operando em áreas estratégicas.

   - Experiência de uso do 5G no setor de saúde na China (PhD. Ren Haiying - CAICT)

20APR2022 - 5G-HEART - EAB Healthcare Vertical Workshop
The use of AI/ML in digital healthcare
“Welcome and introduction to 5G-HEART healthcare trials”, Per H Lehne, Senior Researcher, Telenor (Norway). “Automatic Colon Cancer Diagnosis with Capsule Camera”, Hemin Qadir, Research Scientist, and Ilangko Balasingham, Professor, Oslo University Hospital (Norway). “Artificial Intelligence and machine learning in real-time and predictive health monitoring”, Georgios-Christos Mavrakis, Data analytics engineer, Wings ICT Solutions (Greece)

12DEZ2020 - HACKMED - I Hackmed Experience - SPTW⁣
PitchesFinais dos Participantes
Por Hackmed | 12 de dezembro de 2020⁣
Objetivo: fomentar a inovação em Saúde⁣.
Metodologia: Durante o evento, terão a oportunidade de discutir ideias, realizar brainstorming e eleger a solução mais viável, apresentando um Pitch de até 3 minutos. ⁣Tudo isso em uma equipe multidisciplinar focada em resolver problemas do sistema de saúde pré-selecionados.

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Visita aos EUA | OpenCare 5G e Conecta 5G
Agência Brasileira de Desenvolvimento Industrial
Talk at the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Annual Conference in Orlando.
Visita aos EUA | OpenCare 5G e Conecta 5G      Logo ABDI      Play

IoT Robotic Surgery
Ericsson | Mobile World Congress - Barcelona 2017
Ericsson demonstrates a 5G use case at Mobile World Congress of tactile robotic surgery. With 5G enabled, haptic touch technology, robotic surgery lets remote surgeons actually feel tissue, creating new frontiers in remote health care.
Buzz Film IoT Robotic Surgery      Logo Ericsson      Play

Vodafone and the Dusseldorf University Hospital revolutionise clinical processes with 5G
Vodafone | Last access on Jun 2022
5G and MPN provides greater flexibility to hospitals and can improve the flow of knowledge and advance individualised patient care.
Vodafone and the Dusseldorf University Hospital revolutionise clinical processes with 5G      Logo Vodafone      Play

What Does Remarkable Healthcare Look Like Video
Dell | Last access on Jun 2022
Why 5G networks are poised to become critical enablers of data-driven healthcare in the decade ahead.
Vodafone and the Dusseldorf University Hospital revolutionise clinical processes with 5G      Logo Dell      Play

Vodafone Partnering with Proximie to deliver cutting edge healthcare technology solution
Vodafone | Last access on Jun 2022
Vodafone and Proximie are evolving how we work with Proximie to help more hospitals access its innovative connected surgical solution with the aim of transforming healthcare, improving patient care and enabling professionals to save more lives.
Vodafone Partnering with Proximie to deliver cutting edge healthcare technology solution      Logo Vodafone      Play

Big Data in Medicine 2017 - How Big Data Will Disrupt Business Models
HIMSS | 2017
Talk at the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Annual Conference in Orlando.
How Big Data Will Disrupt Business Models      Logo Ericsson      Play

Conecta Inatel: Tecnologia na Saúde [Episódio 1]
Inatel | 2021
A tecnologia revolucionou a saúde, entre diagnósticos precisos, telemedicina, realidade aumentada e cirurgia robótica, conheça um pouco do trabalho da Engenharia Biomédica, que está por trás dessa evolução em entrevistas. Entrevista com o Professor Fabiano Valias.
 Conecta Inatel: Tecnologia na Saúde [Episódio 1]      Logo Inatel      Play

Conecta Inatel: Tecnologia na Saúde [Episódio 2]
Inatel | 2021
Entrevistas com Professor Filipe Bueno, coordenador do e-Health Innovation Center e com o Engenheiro Roberto Castro Junior, diretor da Ventrix Health Innovation
 Conecta Inatel: Tecnologia na Saúde [Episódio 2]       Conecta Inatel: Tecnologia na Saúde [Episódio 2]     Logo Inatel      Play

Benefícios e desafios das redes 5G em debate na CCT
Comissão de Ciência e Tecnologia (CCT) | TV Senado | 18/11/20212021
Senadores da Comissão de Ciência e Tecnologia (CCT) realizam audiência pública interativa para discutir, com especialistas e representantes do governo, os desafios da instalação das redes de 5G e impactos da nova tecnologia na instalação da indústria 4.0, que reúne diversas tecnologias como a inteligência artificial, a robótica e a computação em nuvem, modificando o funcionamento das indústrias e da economia como um todo. Senadores querem recolher subsídios para avaliar a política pública de implementação das redes móveis 5G.
 Benefícios e desafios das redes 5G em debate na CCT      Play     Logo TV Senado

A exposição pela Diretora de Relações Institucionais da Erisson Sra. Jacqueline Lopes apresentou um exemplo de aplicação do 5G na Saúde
 Benefícios e desafios das redes 5G em debate na CCT      Benefícios e desafios das redes 5G em debate na CCT

>>>> Apresentações <<<

Benefits of 5G for Healthcare Technology
By T-Mobile | Paid Content at Youtube | 2021
afael Grossman, surgeon, teacher, and healthcare futurist, shares the many ways 5G can benefit the healthcare system. 5G could help improve all aspects of healthcare from prevention, treatments, rehabilitation, and teaching with high speeds and low latency.
 Benefits of 5G for Healthcare Technology       Benefits of 5G for Healthcare Technology     

 Benefits of 5G for Healthcare Technology      Benefits of 5G for Healthcare Technology     Logo Inatel

Healthcare Digitization
By Staff | Capital Markets | 2021
Explore our series on the convergence of healthcare and technology in 5 episodes.
Logo Capital Markets

Episode 1: The healthcare data explosion
The healthcare data explosion     DATA REVOLUTION
How are tech companies putting huge cash balances to work in health and wellness, the pharmaceutical supply chain and biopharma product development?

Episode 2: Big tech vs big pharma: the tug of war has begun
Big tech vs big pharma: the tug of war has begun      HEALTHCARE
How will healthcare capitalize on the growing data gold rush? In what ways will wearables redefine the patient experience? What sectors are primed to participate in healthcare’s $15-trillion global budget?

Episode 3: New business models emerge
New business models emerge      EXPANDING ECOSYSTEMS
Will genetics usher in a new era of healthcare? Is the entire health ecosystem ready for reinvention? Can digital healthcare in life sciences exceed patient expectations?

Episode 4: Amazon, CVS and Google: healthcare reimagined
Amazon, CVS and Google: healthcare reimagined      CASE STUDIES
Will Amazon’s healthcare ambitions topple legacy players? Can CVS Health transform itself into a powerhouse that combines convenient services that are embedded with technology? Does Google have all the ingredients to launch a next-gen clinic?

Episode 5: The Rise of Telehealth
Episode 5: The Rise of Telehealth     TELEHEALTH
For more than a decade, telehealth has been heralded as the ‘next big thing’ in healthcare. The COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in a wave of surging demand for telehealth, but will growth continue post-crisis?

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eBook - Better health, connected health
How 5G and IoT Technology Can Transform Health and Social Care
A WPI Strategy report for Vodafone UK
By WPI Strategy and Vodafone | Vodafone | November 2020
How 5G and IoT Technology Can Transform Health and Social Care
eBook - 5G in Healthcare
How the new wireless standard can connect a post-COVID healthcare ecosystem
By Staff | PWC | 2020
5G in Healthcare
eBook - 5G & Healthcare
The dawn of 5G technology is here
Are you prepared for change?
By Staff | ATT Business | 2019
5G & Healthcare
© 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the Globe logo are registered trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. All other marks are the property of their respective owners

eBook - What does remarkable healthcare look like?
Why 5G networks are poised to become critical enablers of data-driven healthcare in the decade ahead.
Are you prepared for change?
By Staff | Dell | March 10, 2022
5G & Healthcare
eBook - The 5G business potential
Industry digitalization and the untapped opportunities for operators
By Staff | Ericsson | 2017
The 5G business potential      The 5G business potential
eBook - 5G for eHealth - 5G Utilization in Telemedicine -
ITU-D Study Groups Rapporteur Group meetings
By Yukihiko OKUMURA | NTT DOCOMO, INC. | 2019
5G for eHealth - 5G Utilization in Telemedicine     5G x 4G echo image
Report - 5G in Healthcare Extending the Scope of Connected Care
The Case for Telemedicine. 5G Possibilities Across the Entire Continuum of Healthcare Settings. Connected Infrastructure and Readiness. Sierra Wireless in Healthcare
By Staff | Sierra Wireless | Dezember, 2021
5G in Healthcare Extending the Scope of Connected Care
Report - Network slicing: Top 10 use cases to target - Case 2: Healthcare – patient services
A USD 23 billion market opportunity
By Staff | Ericsson | 2021
Near term, healthcare use cases with highest commercial and deployment readiness include remote assessment of potential life-threatening conditions in emergency through video, service robots supporting senior citizens, collecting data for earlydetection of diseases through precision medicine, as well as using robotics for rehabilitation with real-time control.
eBook - Digital Transformation
Shaping the Future of European healthcare
By Centre for Health Solutions | Deloitte | September, 2020
Report - Empowering people to live a healthier day
Innovation using Apple technology to support personal health, research, and care
By Staff | Apple | July 20, 2022
Empowering people to live a healthier day
eBook - 5G Outlook Series: Transforming Essential Services for Economic Recovery in the Great Reset
By Rodrigo Arias, Jonathan Bahmani, Isabelle Mauro, Derek O’Halloran, Rolf Meakin, Areeb Bhaila and Emily Norcliffe | World Economic Forum In collaboration with PwC | September, 2020
The global health pandemic and the severe recession that many countries face have brought into focus a number of important challenges as governments attempt to keep their populations healthy and workforce productive. There is a growing crisis for essential services, such as healthcare and public transport as well as inequality in access to opportunities to work remotely. The emerging “new normal” is a window of opportunity to shape the economic recovery for essential health and public transport services and the move to hybrid modes of working. Looking further ahead, countries can accelerate their economic recovery by upgrading their digital infrastructure to enable flexible working, innovation, and more geographically even distribution of work opportunities. This second publication of the 5G Outlook Series explores three ways for 5G to accelerate the digital transformation of these types of essential services and workplace activities in the near term.
eBook - Estudo “Internet das Coisas" BNDES
Relatório de aprofundamento das verticais – ambiente de Saúde
Produto 7B: Aprofundamento de Verticais – Saúde
Por Consórcio McKinsey, Fundação CPqD e Pereira Neto Macedo | BNDES | Dezembro de 2017
Estudo “Internet das Coisas BNDES
eBook - A História da Telessaúde da Cidade para o Estado do Rio de Janeiro.
Organizadores: Alexandra Monteiro e João Paulo Pires das Neves | EdUERJ | 2015
Vários autores descrevem em 34 capítulos a trajetória da Telessaúde da Cidade para o Estado do Rio de Janeiro.
A História da Telessaúdeda Cidade para o Estado do Rio de Janeiro
eBook - RUTE 100 - As 100 primeiras unidades de Telemedicina no Brasil e o impacto da Rede Universitária de Telemedicina (RUTE)
José Luiz Ribeiro Filho, Luiz Ary Messina e Paulo Roberto de Lima Lopes | e-papers | 2014
O livro traz uma documentação fiel das 100 unidades de telemedicina estabelecidas pela RNP e analisa o impacto que a rede tem tido em diferentes níveis, enfocando os custos, qualidade e equidade, que também contribuem para a construção do corpo de evidências sobre o valor de e-Saúde em geral e da telemedicina, em particular.
RUTE 100
eBook - Impactos da Rede Universitária de Telemedicina
Ações de educação contínua, pesquisa colaborativa, assistência, gestão e avaliação remota - Fase I - 2006/2009

José Luiz Ribeiro Filho e Luiz Ary Messina | e-papers | 2013
O livro é uma publicação da Rede Universitária de Telemedicina (Rute), que reúne relatos de experiências e avanços realizados pelos primeiros 19 hospitais universitários e de ensino na implantação de seus núcleos; nas inovações em procedimentos e processos; nas dificuldades técnicas, organizacionais e gerenciais; e na criação de uma rede científica, que permite a integração dos núcleos e de suas aplicações, conhecimentos e práticas entre as instituições participantes.
RUTE 100

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INFOGRAPHIC - Current versus Planed Technology Deployment in Healthcare Organizations According to US C-Level Helthcare Executives, Jan 2021
By Rhea Patel | Insider Intelligence | Nov 17, 2021

INFOGRAPHIC - 5G in healthcare
How is 5G impacting healthcare services and patients' life?
By Americo Leão, Gabriel Nunes and Pedro Tavares | Deloitte. | 2022
© 2022. For information, contact Deloitte Technology, S.A

INFOGRAPHIC - 5G requirements for Robotic Surgery
How does 5G enable the use case?
By Staff | Ericsson | 2022

Read the complete article by Ericsson

INFOGRAPHIC - 8 Technology Challenges in Healthcare
By Antonio Grasso | Techment Technology | August 8, 2022

INFOGRAPHIC - Technological advances shake medical surgery
By Antonio Grasso | Techment Technology | July 27, 2022

INFOGRAPHIC - Blockchain is addressing five major healthcare pain points
By Antonio Grasso | Techment Technology | July 22, 2022

INFOGRAPHIC - 8 New Digital Players in Healthcare Industry
By Antonio Grasso | Techment Technology | July 6, 2022

INFOGRAPHIC - Digital Transformation Trends in Healthcare
By Antonio Grasso | Techment Technology | June 20, 2022

INFOGRAPHIC - Use Case categories in healthcare
Patient applications. Hospital applications. Medical data managemennt. Other.
By Staff | Ericsson | 2022

Read the complete article by Ericsson

INFOGRAPHIC - pwc-5G-in-healthcare
WiFi 6 - 4G - 5G
By Staff | pwc | 2020

Read the complete report by pwc

INFOGRAPHIC - 5G-enabled industry digitalization revenues for ICT players, 2026
Digitalization transformation
By Staff | Ericsson | 2017

Read the complete report by Ericsson

INFOGRAPHIC - AI, EC and 5G will transform healthcare
Digitalization transformation
By DLS cited by Yun Liu | Fudan University, China | 2019

Read the complete Presentation by Yun Liu

INFOGRAPHIC - AI in healthcare
The Impact AI is having on Healthcare
By Wally McCarthy | at Linkedin | July, 2022

INFOGRAPHIC - What´s driving big tech activity in healthcare?
How Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon (FAMGA) are looking to establish a permanent place for themselves in healthcare through new product launches, partnerships, M&A deals, and more. How thei are battling for the $8.3T Market?
By Staff | CBInsight | July 21, 2021
The big tech giants — Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and Apple (FAMGA) — have taken an interest in the healthcare industry. They are attracted to the massive $8.3T market and the opportunity to bring modern technology & a culture of customer obsession to an industry that can sometimes lack both.

INFOGRAPHIC - Applications & Benefits of AI in healthcare
By Staff | NASSCOM | June 14, 2022

INFOGRAPHIC - Characteristics of a new health ecosystem
Predictive. Preventative. Personalised. Participatory
By Rodrigo Arias, Jonathan Bahmani, Isabelle Mauro, Derek O’Halloran, Rolf Meakin, Areeb Bhaila and Emily Norcliffe | World Economic Forum In collaboration with PwC | September, 2020

Click na imagem para ver o infográfico

Read the complete document by World Economic Forum In collaboration with PwC

INFOGRÁFICO - Fatia e crescimento do potencial habilitado para o 5G para as operadoras no mercado brasileiro
Em 2030, o potencial de receitas a partir da digitalização no Brasil deverá totalizar R$ 391 bi, sendo R$ 153 bi relacionados ao 5G
Por Jacqueline Lopes | Ericsson | 2021

Assista ao vídeo da apresentação

INFOGRAPHIC - The mainstreaming of additive manufacturing
After 40 years of development, what will it take for additive manufacturing to become more than a niche technology?
By Jörg Bromberger, Julian Ilg, and Ana Maria Miranda | McKinsey | March 15, 2022

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Read the complete Article by McKinsey
The article presents four significant barriers to their use of additive manufacturing (AM). However, it points to one standout sector that has managed to move beyond these perceived limitations: the medical-devices industry. AM technologies are now applied routinely and at scale to produce a wide range of products, including prosthetics and implants, surgical guides, and anatomical models for preoperative planning or patient education

INFOGRAPHIC - 2 ways cybercriminals can breach your health care organization
And 3 ways to ruin their chances
By Staff | RSM | Dec 14, 2020

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Read the complete Post by RSM COnsulting

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Paper - 5G Use in Healthcare: The Future is Present
By Konstantinos E. Georgiou, MD, MSc, PhD; Georgiou, MD, PhD; and Richard M. Satava, MD, MS
JSLS. 2021 Oct-Dec; 25(4): e2021.00064. , https://doi.org/10.4293%2FJSLS.2021.00064
Published: 26 August 2021
Abstract: Most healthcare providers are unaware of the extraordinary opportunities for implementation in healthcare which can be enabled by 5G wireless networks. 5G created enormous opportunities for a myriad of new technologies, resulting in an integrated through 5G ‘ecosystem’. Although the new opportunities in healthcare are immense, medicine is slow to change, as manifest by the paucity of new, innovative applications based upon this ecosystem. Thus, emerges the need to “avoid technology surprise” - both laparoscopic and robotic assisted minimally invasive surgery were delayed for years because the surgical community was either unaware or unaccepting of a new technology. The important transformational properties of 5G communications and other innovative technologies are described and compared to healthcare needs, looking for opportunities, limitations, and challenges to implementation of 5G and the ecosystem it has spawned. Furthermore, the needs in the clinical applications, education and research in medicine and surgery, in addition to the administrative infrastructure are addressed. Additionally, we explore the nontechnical challenges, that either support or oppose this new healthcare renovation. Based upon proven advantages of these innovative technologies, current scientific evidence is analyzed for future trends for the transformation of healthcare. By providing awareness of these opportunities and their advantages for patients, it will be possible to decrease the prolonged timeframe for acceptance and implementation for patients.
5G Use in Healthcare: The Future is Present

5G Use in Healthcare: The Future is Present

Paper - Automated external defibrillators delivered by drones to patients with suspected out-of-hospital cardiac arrest .
By Sofia Schierbeck, Jacob Hollenberg, Anette Nord, Leif Svensson, Per Nordberg, Mattias Ringh, Sune Forsberg, Peter Lundgren, Christer Axelsson, Andreas Claesson
European Heart Journal, Volume 43, Issue 15, 14 April 2022, Pages 1478–1487, https://doi.org/10.1093/eurheartj/ehab498
Published: 26 August 2021
Abstract: Early defibrillation is critical for the chance of survival in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). Drones, used to deliver automated external defibrillators (AEDs), may shorten time to defibrillation, but this has never been evaluated in real-life emergencies. The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of AED delivery by drones in real-life cases of OHCA.
Automated external defibrillators delivered by drones to patients with suspected out-of-hospital cardiac arrest

Paper - Survey on health care applications in 5G networks .
By Enjie Liu, Emmanuel Effiok and Jon Hitchcock
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, Volume 14, Issue 7, April 2020, Pages 1073–1197, https://doi.org/10.1049/iet-com.2019.0813
Published: 10 April 2020
Abstract: In 2019, 5G was introduced and it is being gradually deployed all over the world. 5G introduces new concepts, such as network slicing to better support various applications with different performance requirements on data rate and latency; and edge and cloud computing that will be responsible for the leverage of computational requirements. This study aims to describe the functions and features of the key 5G technologies and conduct a survey on the latest development of driving technologies for 5G. This survey focuses on health care applications that would benefit from the advantages brought by 5G.
Survey on health care applications in 5G networks

Paper - The potential for artificial intelligence in healthcare
By Thomas Davenport, president's distinguished professor of information technology and management and Ravi Kalakota, managing director
Future Healthc J. 2019 Jun; 6(2): 94–98. , https://doi.org/10.7861%2Ffuturehosp.6-2-94
Published: June 2019
Abstract: The complexity and rise of data in healthcare means that artificial intelligence (AI) will increasingly be applied within the field. Several types of AI are already being employed by payers and providers of care, and life sciences companies. The key categories of applications involve diagnosis and treatment recommendations, patient engagement and adherence, and administrative activities. Although there are many instances in which AI can perform healthcare tasks as well or better than humans, implementation factors will prevent large-scale automation of healthcare professional jobs for a considerable period. Ethical issues in the application of AI to healthcare are also discussed.
Logo NIH

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Paper - 5G in Healthcare: From COVID-19 toFuture Challenges
By Andrea Moglia , Konstantinos Georgiou, Blagoi Marinov, Evangelos Georgiou, Raffaella Nice Berchiolli,Richard M. SatavaMD , and Alfred Cuschieri
IEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICS 2022 Jun; 1–10. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/JBHI.2022.3181205
Published: June 2022
Abstract: Worldwide up to May 2022 there have been 515 million cases of COVID-19 infection and over 6 million deaths. The World Health Organization estimated that 115,000 healthcare workers died from COVID-19 from January 2020 to May 2021. This toll on human lives prompted this review on 5G based networking primarily on major components of healthcare delivery: diagnosis, patient monitoring, contact tracing, diagnostic imaging tests, vaccines distribution, emergency medical services, telesurgery and robot-assisted tele-ultrasound. The positive impact of 5G as core technology for COVID-19 applications enabled exchange of huge data sets in fangcang (cabin) hospitals and real-time contact tracing, while the low latency enhanced robot-assisted tele-ultrasound, and telementoring during ophthalmic surgery. In other instances, 5G provided a supportive technology for applications related to COVID-19, e.g., patient monitoring. The feasibility of 5G telesurgery was proven, albeit by a few studies on real patients, in very low samples size in most instances. The important future applications of 5G in healthcare include surveillance of elderly people, the immunosuppressed, and nano- oncology for Internet of Nano Things (IoNT). Issues remain and these require resolution before routine clinical adoption. These include infrastructure and coverage; health risks; security and privacy protection of patients' data; 5G implementation with artificial intelligence, blockchain, and IoT; validation, patient acceptance and training of end-users on these technologies.

Paper - 5G ultra-remote robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery in China
By Jilu Zheng, Yonghua Wang, Jian Zhang, Weidong Guo, Xuecheng Yang, Lei Luo, Wei Jiao, Xiao Hu, Zongyi Yu, Chen Wang, Ling Zhu, Ziyi Yang, Mingxin Zhang, Fei Xie, Yuefeng Jia, Bin Li, Zhiqiang Li, Qian Dong, Haitao Niu
Surg Endosc. 2020 Nov;34(11):5172-5180. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00464-020-07823-x
Epub 2020 Jul 22.
Background: 5G communication technology has been applied to several fields in telemedicine, but its effectiveness, safety, and stability in remote laparoscopic telesurgery have not been established. Here, we conducted four ultra-remote laparoscopic surgeries on a swine model under the 5G network. The aim of the study was to investigate the effectiveness, safety, and stability of the 5G network in remote laparoscopic telesurgery.

Methods: Four ultra-remote laparoscopic surgeries (network communication distance of nearly 3000 km), including left nephrectomy, partial hepatectomy, cholecystectomy, and cystectomy, were performed on a swine model with a 5G wireless network connection using a domestically produced "MicroHand" surgical robot. The average network delay, operative time, blood loss, and intraoperative complications were recorded.

Results:: Four laparoscopic telesurgeries were safely performed through a 5G network, with an average network delay of 264 ms (including a mean round-trip transporting delay of 114 ms and a 1.20% data packet loss ratio). The total operation time was 2 h. The total blood loss was 25 ml, and no complications occurred during the procedures.
Conclusions:: Ultra-remote laparoscopic surgery can be performed safely and smoothly with 5G wireless network connection using domestically produced equipment. More importantly, our model can provide insights for promoting the future development of telesurgery, especially in areas where Internet cables are difficult to lay or cannot be laid.
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ARTICLE - 5G Healthcare - How will 5g affect healthcare?
By Staff | Ericsson | Last accessd on June, 2022
ARTICLE - 5G Explained
By Sara Brown | MIT Management Sloan School | Feb 13, 2020
The next generation cellular network will bring augmented reality, “the internet of things,” and seamless streaming to the mainstream. Here’s what businesses can expect — and when.
[...] “When you think about 5G you should think, ‘Well, what doesn’t really work on 4G?'” said Nicola Palmer, senior VP of technology and product development at Verizon, who spoke on a 5G panel at the 2019 MIT Platform Summit. For example, computer vision, augmented reality, and virtual reality for health care don’t work on 4G networks, she noted. “How do you really tie into those capabilities in a way that creates value for enterprise and consumers alike?” 5G is a key part of the answer. Bardera said organizations approaching 5G should first assess its potential in relation to their specific industry, business, and market.
By Staff | Globus Medical | June 1, 2022
Surgery can be exhausting and frustrating, and the cognitive load experienced by surgeons may have a major impact on patient safety. The concept of cognitive load is the increased mental burden of paying attention to a second or third task while keeping focus on the original task.2 Having a robot in a high-demand environment may help decrease the possibility of a surgeon experiencing physical and mental fatigue; after all, operational proficiency can ease cognitive load.
surgical-robotic-navigation   surgical-robotic-navigation  
ARTICLE - How AI is Transforming the Future of Healthcare
By Simon Marshall | International SOS | Last accessd on June, 2022
How AI is Transforming the Future of Healthcare   How AI is Transforming the Future of Healthcare  How AI is Transforming the Future of Healthcare ARTICLE - Top Artificial Intelligence Trends Influencing the Future of Radiology
By Siddharth Shah | Frost & Sullivan | Aug 11, 2022
Discover how artificial intelligence will impact the radiology field, creating new growth opportunities.
Top Artificial Intelligence Trends Influencing the Future of Radiology  Logo Frost & Sullivan
ARTICLE - An Rx for Healthcare Providers: Edge Computing and IoT Solutions
By Kirsten Billhardt | Sponsored Article at cio.com | FEB 12, 2020 2:17 PM PST
With the combination of data coming from connected devices, computer vision and Edge computing, healthcare providers are making patient care smarter.
ARTICLE - The Future of Elder Care
By Staff | Mayo Clinic Platform | February 14, 2020

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RUTE - A Rede Universitária de Telemedicina é uma iniciativa do Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia, apoiada pela Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (Finep) e pela Associação Brasileira de Hospitais Universitários (Abrahue) e coordenada pela Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP), que visa a apoiar o aprimoramento de projetos em telemedicina já existentes e incentivar o surgimento de futuros trabalhos interinstitucionais. A Rede Universitária de Telemedicina (RUTE) é uma iniciativa que tem como objetivos principais aprimorar a infraestrutura de comunicação para telessaúde presente nos hospitais universitários, nos hospitais certificados de ensino e nas instituições de saúde; criar formalmente unidades de telemedicina e telessaúde; e promover a integração dos projetos existentes nessa área.


Programa Nacional Telessaúde Brasil Redes - O Programa Telessaúde Brasil Redes é uma iniciativa em âmbito nacional que busca melhorar a qualidade do atendimento e da atenção básica no Sistema Único da Saúde (SUS), integrando ensino e serviço por meio de ferramentas de tecnologias da informação, que oferecem condições para promover a Teleassistência e a Teleducação.


TelessaúdeUERJ - Criado na UERJ em 2008 , o Laboratório de Telessaúde foi aprovado em 2010 pelo Departamento de Inovação da Sub-reitoria de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa da UERJ como Unidade de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico Laboratório de Telessaúde. O Telessaúde UERJ está vinculado à Faculdade de Ciências Médicas e localizado no Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto, no Rio de Janeiro. Dentre as atividades de ensino, pesquisa e extensão na Saúde Digital, o Telessaúde UERJ é responsável por: Projeto de Iniciação Científica Junior; Projeto de Iniciação Científica; Projeto de Iniciação Tecnológica; Programa de Extensão em Telemedicina e Telessaúde; e Programa de Pós-Graduação stricto sensu em Telemedicina e Telessaúde (curso Mestrado Profissional em Telemedicina e Telessaúde)


TelessaúdeRS - Criado em 2007, o TelessaúdeRS-UFRGS é um núcleo de pesquisa vinculado ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Epidemiologia da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Ao longo dos anos desenvolvemos diversos projetos e ações estratégicos, voltados para atender as principais demandas de atendimento à população, que beneficiam centenas de pessoas de todo o Brasil. Todas ações são conduzidas com responsabilidade, cuidado e inovação dentro da Atenção Primária à Saúde através do acesso à tecnologia e à informação.


Open 5G @ Campinas - Open 5G @ Campinas é uma iniciativa colaborativa para pesquisa, desenvolvimento, experimentação e inovação em tecnologias e aplicações de 5G para Educação, Saúde, Indústria, Cidades e Agro. Reúne uma rede conectada de laboratórios que poderão abrigar diferentes naturezas de projeto, como: (1) testbed: plataforma para pesquisa, desenvolvimento e testes de novas tecnologias e casos de uso; (2) showcases: vitrine para exibição de tecnologias e aplicações; (3) learning factory: ambiente de aprendizado prático; e (4) testlab: laboratórios para validação de novas tecnologias. A visão é a de construir um ambiente em rede capaz de habilitar e impulsionar a criação e o refinamento de tecnologias, aplicações e modelos de negócio, com os seguintes objetivos: (1) compartilhar experiências e conhecimentos entre os participantes; (2) colaborar com demais membros da iniciativa (indústria, academia, poder público ou usuários); (3) atrair novos membros, que também acreditem em nossa visão; (4) promover desenvolvimentos e experimentos com startups e (5) atrair investimentos de PD&I em aplicações 5G (p.ex. IoT, AR/VR, drones e robótica)


SBIS - A Sociedade Brasileira de Informática em Saúde tem como missão "contribuir para melhorar e transformar a saúde, através do uso adequado das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação" e como objetivo "promover o desenvolvimento de todos os aspectos da Tecnologia da Informação aplicada à Saúde".



The Holomedicine® Association exists to transform healthcare, and bring the benefits of ground-breaking new technology to all patients.
The Holomedicine® Association is a global network of individual experts from medicine, science, technology, and policy. We work to build new methods for delivering mixed reality technologies in medicine and surgery, ensuring they have maximum clinical impact.
The Holomedicine® Association is not only the first of its kind, but it pioneers a new term – Holomedicine – to describe applications which blend augmented, mixed and virtual reality to allow for the practice and delivery of medicine through sensory camera technology. "Holo" is derived from hologram, whereby medical information such as MRI and CT scans, as well as ultrasound, microscope and endoscope screens, are displayed as holograms. This is viewed through mixed reality glasses while, at the same time, the real-world environment remains completely visible.
Holomedicine® applications can create a 3-dimensional hologram image of a patient’s anatomy, allowing the surgeon or medical professional to carry out multiple practices including surgical planning and preparation, telesurgery, and training to student physicians.

WWRF- 5G E/M Health - Wireless World Research Forum

Vertical Industry Platform 5G E/M Health & Wearables
The Wireless World Research Forum is the place where the global wireless research community meets to explore and develop the research challenges that confront us as we look beyond current 5G deployments. On the newly launched WWRF website, you can find out more about our current, future and past activities. This includes important information on upcoming events and special workshops. The ongoing effort to roll out 5G technologies, and the ongoing debate on how to meet the requirements of the various vertical industries that will make use of 5G are also being studied, with WWRF members closely involved in all these discussions, and publications such as our Outlook series are a good guide to them. But the mission of WWRF is to look beyond current technology and businesses to identify the key research trends that will impact our world in the next 5-10 years.>
The objectives of the e/m-Health and wearables Vertical Industry Platform (VIP) are to: (1) develop application scenarios; (2) identify user requirements, i.e. develop a framework for successful HaaS Systems; (3) identify technical requirements in collaboration with third parties (5G PPP, ITU-R, 3GPP, IEEE, ETSI) and e/m-Health and wearables stakeholders; (4) provide business cases to demonstrate the new business models and value chains; and (5) prepare and demonstrate a 5G e/m-Health and wearables paradigm to wide audiences and stakeholders in Europe and beyond.


HIMSS - Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society

To realize the full health potential of every human, everywhere.
HIMSS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society) is a global advisor, thought leader and member-based society committed to reforming the global health ecosystem through the power of information and technology. As a mission-driven non-profit, HIMSS offers a unique depth and breadth of expertise in health innovation, public policy, workforce development, research and digital health transformation to advise leaders, stakeholders and influencers across the global health ecosystem on best practices. With a community-centric approach, our innovation engine delivers key insights, education and engaging events to healthcare providers, payers, governments, startups, life sciences and other health services organizations, ensuring they have the right information at the point of decision. HIMSS has served the global health community for more than 60 years, with focused operations across North America, Europe, the United Kingdom, the Middle East and Asia-Pacific.>
The mission is to reform the global health ecosystem through the power of information and technology.

ITU-T - Wireless World Research Forum

Committed to connecting the world
ITU-T Study Groups (Study Period 2017-2021) - ITU-T SG16: Multimedia and related digital technologies
ITU-T H.800-H.899 - E-health multimedia services and applications (updated on 2021-06-10)
H.810-H.819 - Personal health systems
The Study Groups of ITU’s Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) assemble experts from around the world to develop international standards known as ITU-T Recommendations which act as defining elements in the global infrastructure of information and communication technologies (ICTs). Standards are critical to the interoperability of ICTs and whether we exchange voice, video or data messages, standards enable global communications by ensuring that countries’ ICT networks and devices are speaking the same language.
Standardization work is carried out by the technical Study Groups (SGs) in which representatives of the ITU-T membership develop Recommendations (standards) for the various fields of international telecommunications

SLS - The Society of Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgeons

Improving outcomes in Minimally Invasive & Robotic Surgery.
The Society of Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgeons (SLS) was founded on the premise that members of individual surgical specialties can best advance their expertise by sharing their experiences, knowledge, and techniques with each other as well as with members of other surgical specialties. This is a non-profit, multidisciplinary and multispecialty educational organization established in 1990.

5gheart - Healthcare, Aquaculture and Transport validation trials

Healthcare, Aquaculture and Transport.
5G-HEART as one of 5G PPP Phase 3 projects will deploy innovative digital use cases involving healthcare, transport and aquaculture industry partnerships.

MDIC - Medical Device Innovation Consortium

Faster, safer, and more cost-effective innovation for patient benefit.
MDIC is an independent entity, created on August 2012, focused on advancing medical device regulatory science at an industry level.

MDIC 5G-enabled Medical Device Group

Institutional video

HL7 - Health Level Seven International (HL7)

A world in which everyone can securely access and use the right health data when and where they need it.
Founded in 1987, Health Level Seven International (HL7) is a not-for-profit, ANSI-accredited standards developing organization dedicated to providing a comprehensive framework and related standards for the exchange, integration, sharing and retrieval of electronic health information that supports clinical practice and the management, delivery and evaluation of health services.

MCP - Mayo Clinic Platform

To create a healthier world where personalized, predictive and innovative care is accessible to all.
The mission of Mayo Clinic Platform is to enable new knowledge, new solutions and new technologies that improve patients' lives. To accomplish the mission, Mayo Clinic Platform is partnering with providers, pharmaceutical companies, medical device companies, health tech startups, patients and payers to drive innovation around diagnosis, treatment and operational improvement.

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TEACHING - 5G‑Powered VR Human Cadaver Lab
Fisk University, HTC VIVE, T‑Mobile and VictoryXR Launch 5G‑Powered VR Human Cadaver Lab
By Staff | T-mobile | August 03, 2021
Top ranked HBCU unveils one of the first virtual reality campuses in the nation bringing students the benefits of both virtual and in‑person learning

MENTORED REMOTE SURGERY - Doctor uses 5G to direct surgery live from a stage at Mobile World Congress
By Ivana Kottasovás | CNN BusinesS | February 27, 2019
When a team of doctors at Hospital Clinic Barcelona began removing a cancerous tumor from a patient's colon on Wednesday, the surgeon overseeing the procedure was over three miles away. Dr. Antonio Maria de Lacy, the head of the hospital's gastrointestinal surgery service, used his finger to draw on a screen (telestrator) an area of the intestine where nerves are located and instructed the team how to navigate the surgery. "If you cut these nerves, the patient will probably have urinary problems, sexual problems, many things," Dr. Antonio Maria de Lacy told a rapt audience at the mobile tech industry event.

HOSPITAL - REAL TIME TRACKING - Oulu University Hospital
By Staff | Nokia | Last access 2022
Efficient logistics is critical to any modern hospital. Beds, food, medicines and advanced equipment must be in the right place at the right time. Robots let personnel focus on care and High Accuracy Indoor Positioning can help them locate and track beds, wheelchairs and other equipment in real time.

REMOTE SURGERY - China Conducts First Remote Surgery Using 5G Network
By Rob Smith | LTEto5G.com | March 17, 2019
Chinese PLA General Hospital has conducted a remote surgery on a human being (neurostimulator implant - a brain pacemaker) using 5G technology on March 16, 2019. The first remote surgery was a collaborative effort between Huawei, China Mobile and the Chinese PLA General Hospital. The patient with Parkinson’s disease was at the Chinese PLA General Hospital in Beijingwas, and the surgeon Ling Zhipei was physically located in South China’s Hainan Province, 3000 kilometers away.

TRANSPORT OF ORGANS BY DRONE - Drone Flies Lungs Between Hospitals For Transplant Patient
By Victoria Forster | Forbes | Oct 14, 2021,02:41pm EDT
A pair of human lungs have been flown between two hospitals by drone for the first time destined for an organ transplant procedure. The donor lungs made the 6 minute journey of just 1.5km between two Toronto hospitals in the downtown core at the end of September.

>>>>>>> VÍDEO: A Breath in the Sky <<<<<<<<<

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PODCAST - Samsung explains how 5G will make virtual healthcare a reality

Networks TechTalk with Samsung| Duraçã: 22:30 | Nov 08. 2019
Consumer wearables, telemedicine, and other new technologies have been rapidly adopted by healthcare professionals to help improve patient care and practice efficiencies. But what kind of effect can 5G have on healthcare? On this episode of Recalibrate we're focusing on the healthcare industry and the impact 5G will have on patients and healthcare providers. Guests Alok Shah and Dr. David Rhew discuss how diabetics, cardiovascular patients, and even patients with severe pain can benefit from 5G capabilities.
     Alok Shah - Vice President, Networks Strategy, BD, & Marketing, Samsung Electronics America
     Dr. David Rhew - Chief Medical Officer, Samsung Electronics America

PODCAST - Telemedicina ganha cada vez mais força no Brasil

Hospitais Brasil EPISODE 1 | Duraçã: xx:xx | 21/1-/2020
5G is the first generation of wireless communications technology that will expand the reach of cellular networks through satellite connectivity. But what technical challenges are introduced by adding satellite links to 5G and how can they be overcome?

PODCAST - 14° episódio PodCast InovaHC: OpenCare 5G - Saúde

InovaHC - HCFMUSP | Duraçã: 33:16 | 2021
Neste episódio do InovaHC Podcast, a host Márcia Ogawa recebe o Prof. Giovanni Guido Cerri e Jacques Chicourel para discutirem sobre o OpenCare 5G na Saúde, as iniciativas e as implementações deste projeto que conta com a colaboração de parcerias públicas e privadas. Com Márcia Ogawa, sócia-líder da Deloitte no Brasil; Prof. Giovanni Guido Cerri, presidente do Conselho Diretor do InRad e do Comitê Executivo do InovaHC; e Jacques Chicourel, Head of Digital Health da Siemens Healthineers. Este encontro conta também com o depoimento do Sriram Subramanian, Lead for Private 5G SG da Telecom Infra Project (TIP), parceira do projeto.

PODCAST - Entrevista é Nacional: como funciona a telemedicina no Brasil

Entrevistado: Vice-presidente do Conselho Federal de Medicina (CFM), Dr. Donizetti Dimer Giamberardino Filho
Por Angélica Baptista Silva | EBC - Radio Agência Nacional | 18 Maio, 2022 – 19:55 885:00
Uma das práticas ampliadas durante a pandemia foi a telemedicina, o serviço médico oferecido à distância evitou aglomerações e permitiu que muitos pacientes fossem atendidos sem precisar ir até um consultório ou hospital. Agora, em 2022, o Conselho Federal de Medicina regulamentou essa prestação de serviço que vai além da teleconsulta e engloba telerradiologia, telediagnóstico, teletriagem, telemonitoramento, televigilância, teleconferência, teleinterconsulta e até telecirurgia. No Entrevista É Nacional, o relator da regulamentação da telemedicina, Donizetti Dimer Giamberardino, detalhou os principais pontos da prática, entre eles a proteção de dados dos pacientes e a necessidade de políticas públicas de acesso à internet para que mais pessoas sejam beneficiadas.

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PROJETO DE LEI - PL Nº 1.998/2020

Autoriza e define a prática da telemedicina em todo o território nacional.


RESOLUÇÃO CFM - Nº 2.314, DE 20 DE ABRIL DE 2022

Publicado em: 05/05/2022 | Edição: 84 | Seção: 1 | Página: 227 | Órgão: : Entidades de Fiscalização do Exercício das Profissões Liberais/Conselho Federal de Medicina
Define e regulamenta a telemedicina, como forma de serviços médicos mediados por tecnologias de comunicação.


DECRETO - Nº 11.098, DE 20 DE JUNHO DE 2022

Publicado em: 21/06/2022 | Edição: 115 | Seção: 1 | Página: 3 | Atos do Poder Executivo
Aprova a Estrutura Regimental e o Quadro Demonstrativo dos Cargos em Comissão e das Funções de Confiança do Ministério da Saúde e remaneja e transforma cargos em comissão e funções de confiança
Art. 2º O Ministério da Saúde tem a seguinte estrutura organizacional:
I - órgãos de assistência direta e imediata ao Ministro de Estado da Saúde:
[...] i) Secretaria-Executiva: [...] 10. Departamento de Saúde Digital

Art. 11. À Secretaria-Executiva compete:
[...] XXIII - formular, coordenar, avaliar e monitorar ações e estratégias relacionadas com a Política Nacional de Saúde Digital e Telessaúde do SUS, no âmbito do Ministério.

Art. 18. À Secretaria Especial de Saúde Indígena compete
[...] XIV - promover e coordenar as ações de saúde digital para a população indígena no âmbito do Subsistema de Atenção à Saúde Indígena;


PORTARIA - GM/MS Nº 1.348, DE 2 DE JUNHO DE 2022

Publicado em: 03/06/2022 | Edição: 105 | Seção: 1 | Página: 76 | Órgão: Ministério da Saúde/Gabinete do Ministro
Dispõe sobre as ações e serviços de Telessaúde no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS).


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Roadmap of ITU-T E-health Standardization
By Studygroup 16 | ITU | June 10, 2021
ITU-T H.800-H.899 - E-health multimedia services and applications
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HIMSS Maturity Models
The HIMSS suite of healthcare maturity models, led by our flagship model, the Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model (EMRAM), provide prescriptive frameworks to healthcare organizations to build their digital health ecosystems. Each eight-stage (0-7) maturity model operates as a vendor-neutral roadmap for success and offers global benchmarking.

Infrastructure Adoption Model (INFRAM)
The HIMSS Infrastructure Adoption Model (INFRAM) helps healthcare leaders assess and map healthcare infrastructure and the associated technology capabilities required to reach their facility’s infrastructure goals while meeting international benchmarks and standards set by this maturity model.

RFC5826 - Home Automation Routing Requirements in Low-Power and Lossy Networks
By A. Brandt and J. Buron | Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) | April 2010
This document presents requirements specific to home control and automation applications for Routing Over Low power and Lossy (ROLL) networks. In the near future, many homes will contain high numbers of wireless devices for a wide set of purposes. Examples include actuators (relay, light dimmer, heating valve), sensors (wall switch, water leak, blood pressure), and advanced controllers (radio-frequency-based AV remote control, central server for light and heat control). Because such devices only cover a limited radio range, routing is often required. The aim of this document is to specify the routing requirements for networks comprising such constrained devices in a home-control and automation environment.
See Section 2.7 Healthcare (2.7.1. At-Home Health Reporting and 2.7.2. At-Home Health Monitoring)

RFC 9023 - Deterministic Networking (DetNet) Data Plane: IP over IEEE 802.1 Time‑Sensitive Networking (TSN)
By B. Varga, Ed. - Ericsson, J. Farkas - Ericsson, A. Malis - Malis Consulting and S. Bryant - Futurewei T
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) | June 2021
This document specifies the Deterministic Networking IP data plane when operating over a TimeSensitive Networking (TSN) sub-network. This document does not define new procedures or processes. Whenever this document makes statements or recommendations, these are taken from normative text in the referenced RFCs.

Read the Paper: "Application of deterministic networking for reducing network delay in urological telesurgery: A retrospective study"
Int J Med Robot. 2022 Apr;18(2):e2365. doi: 10.1002/rcs.2365. Epub 2022 Jan 15.

Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR)
By Staff | Electronic Clinical Quality Improvement (eCQI) Resource Center | Last Updated: Aug 04, 2022
Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) is a Health Level Seven International® (HL7®) standard for exchanging healthcare information electronically. The healthcare community is adopting this next generation exchange framework to advance interoperability. Electronic health records (EHRs) represent patient data in different ways (e.g., medications, encounters) and FHIR provides a means for representing and sharing information among clinicians and organizations in a standard way regardless of the ways local EHRs represent or store the data. FHIR combines the best features of previous standards into a common specification, while being flexible enough to meet needs of a wide variety of use cases within the healthcare ecosystem. FHIR focuses on implementation and uses the latest web technologies to aid rapid adoption.

FHIR is composed of foundational, infrastructure, administrative, data exchange, and clinical reasoning capabilities. The Clinical Reasoning Module of the current version, FHIR R4, includes a collection of resources, extensions, and profiles to use the clinical knowledge artifacts such as clinical decision support rules, clinical quality measurement and reporting, order sets, and other capabilities to reason about the healthcare process prospectively and retrospectively. This module enables use of the same requests for information to improve care at the time of service (clinical decision support) and to evaluate care after it occurs (quality measurement), a vast improvement over previous care improvement standards.
Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources® (FHIR®) - Release R4B

Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) Open Source Protocol
Deliver secure, high quality, and low latency video across the public internet
By Staff | Haivision | June 2021
Originally developed by Haivision, SRT stands for Secure Reliable Transport. SRT is an open source video transport protocol and technology stack that optimizes video streaming performance across unpredictable networks. With secure streams and simplified firewall traversal, SRT delivers the best quality video over the worst networks.
Logo Haivision

SRT Alliance: a collaborative community of industry leaders striving to achieve lower latency video transport by continuously improving SRT.
Logo SRT Alliance

Read the Paper: "Three-dimensional telesurgery and remote proctoring over a 5G network"
Digit J Ophthalmol. 2021; 27(3): 38–43. Published online 2021 Jul 26. doi: 10.5693/djo.01.2021.06.003

H.264 : Advanced video coding for generic audiovisual services
Deliver secure, high quality, and low latency video across the public internet
By Staff | Haivision | June 2021
Recommendation ITU-T H.264 | International Standard ISO/IEC 14496-10 represents an evolution of the existing video coding standards (ITU-T H.261, ITU-T H.262, and ITU-T H.263) and it was developed in response to the growing need for higher compression of moving pictures for various applications such as videoconferencing, digital storage media, television broadcasting, Internet streaming, and communication. It is also designed to enable the use of the coded video representation in a flexible manner for a wide variety of network environments. The use of this Recommendation | International Standard allows motion video to be manipulated as a form of computer data and to be stored on various storage media, transmitted and received over existing and future networks and distributed on existing and future broadcasting channels.
Logo ITU

>>>> Recommendation ITU-T H.264 (08/21) <<<<

Read the Paper: "Three-dimensional telesurgery and remote proctoring over a 5G network"
Digit J Ophthalmol. 2021; 27(3): 38–43. Published online 2021 Jul 26. doi: 10.5693/djo.01.2021.06.003

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World's First Remote Operation Using 5G Surgery
By Staff | Huawei | Feb, 2019
Huawei and China Unicom Fujian Branch, Fujian Medical University Mengchao Hepatobiliary Hospital, Suzhou Kangduo Robot Co., Ltd. implemented the world's first 5G surgery animal experiment in Fujian China Unicom Southeast Research Institute.
world's first 5G surgery animal experiment      Logo Huawei

A História da Telessaúde da Cidade para o Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Organizadores: Alexandra Monteiro e João Paulo Pires das Neves | EdUERJ | 2015
Vários autores descrevem em 34 capítulos a trajetória da Telessaúde da Cidade para o Estado do Rio de Janeiro.
A História da Telessaúde da Cidade para o Estado do Rio de Janeiro      UERJ

>>>>>> ebook pdf <<<<<<

The history of robotic surgery and its evolution: when illusion becomes reality
By ANDRE Luiz Gioia Morrell et al | Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões | Jan 13, 2021
Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões
Rev. Col. Bras. Cir. vol.48 Rio de Janeiro 2021 Epub Jan 13, 2021
The term “robot” was concepted in the beginning of last century, coming originally from the Czech word “robota”, meaning “labor”. More recently, computer assistance and robotics based in the telepresence and virtual reality concept have been applied to surgical procedures. The application of robots in surgery dates approximately 35 years, experiencing significant growth in the last two decades fueled by the advent of advanced technologies. Despite its recent and brief status in surgery history, robotic technology has already proven its enhanced visualization, superior dexterity and precision during minimally invasive procedures. Currently, the worldwide diffused and predominant robot system used in surgery is Da Vinci by Intuitive Surgical, however robotic surgery evolution is far from over, with multiple potential competitors on the horizon pushing forward its paradigms. We aim to describe the history and evolution of robotic surgery in the last years as well as present its future perspectives.
History of robotic surgery

Telemedicine: The Latest Futuristic Tech Prediction From The Jetsons To Come True
By Joe Harpaz | Forbes | Feb 19, 2019
In The Jetsons episode 10 (despite its lasting influence, the show only ran for a single season), Jane Jetson calls up the doctor via video chat when her son Elroy complains he’s sick with “Venus Virus” and will have to stay home from school. While convenience is one of the most obvious applications of telehealth, the technology would have far greater impact on how we approach healthcare access for rural and aging populations, as well as those with chronic conditions.
The Latest Futuristic Tech Prediction From The Jetsons To Come True     Logo Forbes

Jetsons - Previsão na Ficção de Teleconsulta com Qualidade de Imagem

A scene from Hanna-Barbera’s 1962 animated sitcom, The Jetsons, in which a doctor assesses a patient via videoconferencing technology.
Dr. examina a garganta de Elroy Jetson acompanhado de sua mãe Jane Jetson.
Jetsons - Previsão na Ficção     Play

Infographic - The evolution of Digital Interaction
By Jana Arbanas, Kevin Westcott, Allan V. Cook, Chris Arkenberg and Kevin Downs | Deloitte | July 25, 2022
The evolution of Digital Interaction

Full article by Jana Arbanas et al | The metaverse and Web3: The next internet platform | July 25, 2022

Infographic - Three Tiers of IT Infrastructure and Building the Spatial Web
By Allan V. Cook, Mike Bechtel, Siri Anderson, David R. Novak, Nicole Nodi, Jay Parekh | Deloitte | July 25, 2022
Three Tiers of IT Infrastructure and Building the Spatial Web

Full article by Allan V. Cook et al | The Spatial Web and Web 3.0 | July 21, 2020

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Segurança no 5G
Por Lourival Moreira | hacker.tec.br | 2021
Um expressivo maior número de dispositivos conectados via 5G e a maior capilaridade de conexões, naturalmente tende a aumentar os riscos de cibersegurança. Entretanto, a tecnologia 5G tem um conjunto robusto de especificações de segurança desenvolvido a partir de grupos de trabalho de diferentes relevantes organizações de padronização (3gpp, ETSI, IETF, ITU-T e IEEE).
Desafio da Segurança      Logo Portal hacker.tec.br

Inclusão Digital - IBGE: 40 milhões de brasileiros não têm acesso à Internet
Por Redação da Abranet | Associação Brasileira de Internet | 14/04/2021
Com base na Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios Contínua e números de 2019, o IBGE aponta que 40 milhões de pessoas não têm acesso no país.
Pesquisa IBGE       Logo ABRANET

Challenges to Digital Inclusion
By Centre for Health Solutions | Deloitte | September, 2020
A lack of digital skills, accessibility and connectivity problems, undermine digital inclusion
Challenges       Challenges      Logo Deloitte

Paper - Service Level Agreements for 5G and Beyond: Overview, Challenges and Enablers of 5G-Healthcare Systems .
By Naeem Qureshi, Haneya; Manalastas, Marvin; Zaidi, Syed Muhammad Asad; Imran, Ali; Al Kalaa, Mohamad Omar
USA, Department of Health and Human Services - FDA
Accessed on July 2022
Abstract: Service level agreements (SLAs) can enable 5G-enabled medical device use cases by documenting how a medical device communication requirement is met by the unique characteristics of 5G networks and the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders involved in offering safe and effective 5G-enabled healthcare to patients. However, there are gaps in this space that should be addressed to facilitate the efficient implementation of 5G in healthcare. Current literature regarding SLAs for 5G-healthcare is absent. This work aims to bridge these gaps by identifying key challenges, providing insight, and describing open research questions related to 5G-healthcare systems. After presenting an overview of SLAs, reasons for insufficiency of traditional SLA approaches for 5G networks are identified. Then, 5G SLA challenges during various stages of the SLA lifecycle are identified. Practical aspects for 5G-healthcare SLA development and implementation are highlighted and considerations are recommended to help enable 5Ghealthcare systems. Open questions that the research community can help answer to promote the safe use of 5G and beyond communication technology in healthcare are also identified. These include aspects from both the physical layer and the core side of 5G.
Service Level Agreements for 5G and Beyond   Logo FDA

Artigo Artificial intelligence in healthcare
Applications, risks, and ethical and societal impacts
By Karim Lekadir; Gianluca Quaglio and Catherine Gallin | European Parlament | June, 2022

This study provides an overview of AI health-related applications and an analysis of the potential of AI to transform the provision of healthcare. The study will also define, assess and clarify risks in the current and potential applications of AI in the domain of healthcare. At the same time, it will consider major clinical, socio-ethical and regulatory aspects of AI in its various health applications. Finally, the study also proposes a series of policy options aimed at minimising the risks of medical AI, enhancing governance at the EU level and strengthening its responsible development.
Artificial intelligence in healthcare

INFOGRAPHIC - Digital Challenges in Healthcare Industry
By Antonio Grasso | Techment Technology | August 10, 2022